Sometimes you can’t get be behind the wheel, but a great way to still improve your driving and racing is through books, videos, sims, and related. Here are many of our favorites, again in alphabetical order by author, not by preference. All are great, some are more technical than others.
Note: the links are for convenience and as always, we don’t make anything, lol.
If there is a bible for car racing, this is it. Written by one of the best driver coaches in the world. So good, Bill is making an audio book out of it.
A three part series that breaks down a corner into fundamental aspects. Simple but helpful books.

Getting into data or deeply into data, this book can help you.
The aerodynamics reference we go to.
Paul Gerrard wrote a great book on racing and as a former Stig, he knows. PS get the written copy if possible.
Engineering a race car? Trying to learn how? click on the image.
Part two of our data analysis and understanding library.
Milliken wrote the book on race car dynamics. Many keep these secrets to themselves.
Dion breaks down racing into the fundamentals and then applies them towards your personal improvement. Also, try Blayze for personal online coaching.
Adrien Newey writes a book, more of a biography but there are tons of tips and approaches that you can apply/steal.
Things to think about when building and designing a race car, its in there.
Smith wrote the book on race car engineering.