We know it sounds way more boring than it really is and we also know that 90% of the drivers think they are above average drivers and that is just really bad math! We have attended several of these and need to attend many more. The good ones take you from where you are and help you get closer to where you could be. If they weren’t helpful, why do most of the better drivers keep going? Our team believes strongly in driver training and education as the best way to make our cars go faster.
If you choose to not go, don’t be upset when we eventually pass you.
Please let them know we sent you. It may save you money. We hope it does. Again, alphabetical order for convenience.
Bertil Roos: Available across the country. Ranges from BYO car, to team carting, to both closed and open wheel instruction.
Blayze: An online resource for instruction and coaching at a value that is hard to beat. Can include one on one coaching, video and/or data review, Sim racing and Real world, fantastic coaches and expanding into other sports like soccer etc. (Where was this when we were playing beach volleyball, lol)
BMW: We have attended a few of these. Very well run with good instructors. You do not have to have a BMW to go.
Chin Track Days: We are looking to attend one of these soon but haven’t had our schedules meet. Yet.
Evolution Performance School: For Autocross instruction. We will be going to our first event as a team this spring. And likely several more this season.
FastSideways: Personal in car instruction that focuses on car control to maximize both speed and safety. If in you area, events are not to be missed.
Go For It: We’ve heard good things but have no personal experience there.
Gridlife: Not just for racing and drifting, Gridlife also often holds HPDE events across the country.
Hooked On Driving: We attended but did not drive one of their events. Several friends were there. They offer instructors if you sign up with them.
NASA: The best driver we know sets the Pittsburgh event as a do not miss event in his schedule and we will not miss it again. Other track days are offered all across the country.
Porsche: We haven’t attended personally but several friends speak very highly about them. Again you do not have to have a Porsche to go.
Speed Secrets Track Walks: Ross Bentley and Peter Krause walk several tracks. Hopefully the series will continue to grow. (WE would love a review for all the entry level series tracks for other newbies) We are using the Road Atlanta track walk for our upcoming race there. We will report back after the race with a better review.
SCCA: Sports Car Club of America. We have heard they are open to all new drivers.
Did we miss one? Please let us know.
Come with us and Enjoy the Ride!