While this wasn’t intended as a tip, it was brought to our attention by 3-4 teams that they really liked our rear view mirror set up. They said they were able to see a lot more of the track in our mirror than in theirs. Unfortunately, this was noticed by them as they were passing us. Hopefully, as we get faster we won’t need to look behind us as much as we do now.
Regardless, the rear view mirror we use is a Longacre 17 inch wide panoramic mirror (about $70). This mirror gives us a very wide field of view without any blind spots as can be had with segmented mirrors.
The tip we are offering though is to mount the mirror in a spot in front of the passenger seat. This gave us the most rearward visibility without seeing ourselves or our helmet. It almost eliminates the need for a right side mirror. Have one driver get into the car and keep moving it until the helmet is clear of the mirror. If you get lucky with seating position and roll bar placement, you may even begin to see the left side of the car as well. Give it a try and see if it works better for your car as well.
Enjoy the Ride!