WOOT 0080: SPOILER FILLED Discussion of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
SPOILER FILLED EPISODE: On this weekends Way Off Our Topic (WOOT) episode, we try to review the most recent Star Wars movie, The Rise of Skywalker. We try to get a broad range of opinions from relatively hard core Star Wars fans to fans who have seen the movies and we also range from 11 years old to over 50. In general, we all liked the movie.
We had issues with some parts, but in general, the internet backlash is much stronger than any of us felt it should be. With us this week, we had returning Guest Jeff with his son Josh (11), returning guest Craiggers with his son Noah (18), along with Vicki and Bill.
Highlights and Discussion centers on the following points:
1) Our individual Star Wars history and fandom
2) An in-depth review of most of the major points of The Rise of Skywalker along with several discussions along the way, as well as our usual trivia bits
3) Jeff discusses Roger Bannister’s breaking of the 4-minute mile
4) New canon and force capabilities expansion
5) The very full nature of this movie plot and Craig’s very likely theory
6) Potential editing choices/options to simplify the movie and add more to sections and/or stakes to the movie
7) Is Hux really Biff
8) Force users: anyone vs by birthright/family lineage
9) Acting comparison between prequels and sequels
10) The Han Solo cameo and would it have happened is Carrie Fisher had not passed away
11) Luke’s change in tone vs Episode 8
12) Overall thoughts and rating of the movie
13) Impact of Carrie Fisher’s death on the movie and plot points
14) Star Wars: Disney vs Lucas films, Closer than you would think
15) Retcon of The Last Jedi/Episode 8
16) Favorite characters, both lead and supporting
17) Coolest Light Saber of the entire series
18) The Star Wars family tree discussion and significant Naboo commonality
19) The original sequel trilogy layout vs what we saw
Our Final Ratings:
Jeff: Wanted to shift focus and expand upon certain other areas 8.0
Josh: Too Complex, 8.0
Craig: Sith level avoidance, as would be expected, but 8.0
Noah: Avoided, rather similarly, Sith in training? 7.0
Vicki: Still shipping Ben and Rey to a 8.0
Bill: 8.5, not quite a 9 as was thought upon first viewing
And finally a check in on The Mandalorian through episode 7 and a bit about The Witcher
Did we cover everything? If not, let us know in the comments and we may have a part 2.
Best regards,
Bill, Vicki, and Alan
Hosts of the Garage Heroes In Training podcast
and team members in the GHiT
Immature Endurance Racing Team
WOOT 0080: SPOILER FILLED Discussion of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker