We try to give answers to questions our listeners want to know, usually to help them progress as drivers, but sometimes we get requests to answer questions that are not going to help you drive any better, ever. This is one of those times and one of those episodes. Several of you have asked us these questions at the track or via the inter webs, so here they are, as requested.
Throttle steering is the subject for our Dominating with Dawson segment this episode. This is one of the ways that you can make a car turn without using your steering wheel.
We hope you enjoy the episode!
Best regards,
Bill, Vicki, Jennifer, and Alan
Hosts of the Garage Heroes In Training podcast and team members in the GHiT Immature Endurance Racing Team
Highlights from the episode include:
1) Somehow we combined the Fast and Furious questions with the Newlywed Game during this episode.
2) Who has driven the fastest on our team. Any guesses? Unfortunately, not all have hit triple digits, yet. New team goal for our next HPDE!
3) Alan wanders off during the podcast with his wireless microphone. Can’t even herd cats on the podcast.
4) Jennifer stretches the limits of what a car sound is, just a bit.
5) What were some of our team members “Ahhh Hahhh” moments.
GHiT 0127: Our Team Answers the Fast and Furious Question – By Request