GHIT 0073: RaceCapture and Podium with Brent Picasso
Brent Picasso has been racing since 2009 and has since created a company that provides the RaceCapture and Podium real time telemetry and data capture/display systems. We cover the development history and capabilities of the system, as well as his racing history. With what originally began as a self-tweeting race car, they have been able to develop one of the best and most complete systems we have seen to date.
Podium is capable of being used with virtually all data collecting systems and converts the data into many potential formats to aid in understanding and analyzing. RaceCapture is a separate system that comes in three levels suitable for once in a blue moon track day participants to full time professional racing teams.

His initial racing history began at Thunderhill with what was originally intended to be a Peugeot entry. But eventually led to turbo Miata and 1,000 penalty laps and the race to zero laps began. The initial wheel to wheel racing action set the hook and he hasn’t looked back since. Since then, in addition to the Peugeot, his conquests included a turbo 3-cylinder Mercur XR4Ti, a Crown Vic, and a second gen V6 MR2. (Bill really wants a piece of that MR2 since he had one in college)
1) The development history of both RaceCapture and Podium and how each can be used together or with other data capture systems like AIM, MoTeC etc.
2) The use and capabilities of the various systems and how they interact
3) Data collection capabilities as well as how the data can be followed, used, and displayed, both in real time at the track, remotely, or within the racing car itself.
4) There are three levels of the RaceCapture system, what they are used for and how they differ
5) Podium app capabilities, use, and several upcoming features and capabilities

6) Ability to look at data in real time or as a review, especially with racing coaches and friends.
7) These systems appear to lower the barrier to look at and use any data you are collecting currently or in the future
8) Driver data comparison techniques and use
9) Some of the key improvements of this environment is the lower barrier to using and understanding and improving as a result of the data
10) The interface is also able to be used as a real time, in car dashboard and/or dashboard replacement
11) It is also able to be used not only in the car, but also in the garage/paddock at the track, and even remotely, all in real time on a wide variety of hardware including computers, laptops, iPads, phones, etc.
12) What is predictive lap time, how it is calculated and potentially used on the track
13) How the system works with driver changes etc., so common in endurance racing
14) Pit use vs in car use vs post-race review usage and options
15) Options and thoughts for use with multiple cars/multi car teams
16) We try to overview the installation process and requirements, as well as how they vary depending on the car being used, its OBD2 capabilities etc.
17) Options and thoughts regarding additional sensor use for things like brake pad temperature or tire temperatures
18) What is Canbus and how it can be used with the system to increase the capabilities and data that can be collected and monitored in real time, like differential temperature etc.
19) Shift X3 capabilities and usage to form alarms and warning systems for the driver of potential car issues such as engine rpm shift lights, oil and water pressure and temperatures etc.
20) Advanced customization options are also available for those interested through Lua programming capabilities built into the system
21) Options and use within dedicated race cars, as well as occasional track/daily driver cars
22) In car dashboard replacement options with using the system
23) We are very excited with several of the upcoming additions to the systems and steps to continuously improve the ease (of use and data digestionâ) and capabilities of the systems and how they integrate with each other and external data sources like video etc., as well as several advanced pit-to-car communication capabilities
All of this can be used for track days, HPDE’s, and racing events at all types of venues and tracks. This includes impromptu tracks and non-traditional racing areas common with Autocross events etc.
We are placing our order for several of these systems next week. We will likely have our review in an upcoming episode(s) as we progress.
Best regards,
Bill, Vicki, and Alan
Hosts of the Garage Heroes In Training podcast
and team members in the GHiT
Immature Endurance Racing Team
Several links mentioned within the podcast:
Autosports Lab/RaceCapture: https://www.autosportlabs.com/
Podium App: https://podium.live/software
Aim Sportline: https://www.aim-sportline.com/index.htm
MoTeC: https://www.motec.com.au/products-currentrange/product-directory/