Trey Shannon returns to discuss several options to get in better shape for racing and life that can be done with or without a gym. We talk through a wide variety of ways to shave pounds off each car you drive by carrying fewer (extra) pounds in the driver seat. Trey usually works with several pro level drivers and many with professional aspirations. Podium Performance not only deals with physical preparation, but mental, visual, and many other related areas that can impact your driving performance, especially in long races or races with challenging conditions like heat etc. If you happen to live in the Charlotte NC area, Trey is local to you and he works out of Podium Performance Fitness at www.podiumperformancefitness.com or 540-815-2737.
We discuss the relative importance of driving perfect lines versus driving with full commitment on our Dominating with Dawson. This philosophy was brought up to Bill at a recent HPDE last summer and had a dramatic improvement on his lap times at the event. Maybe Bill was too smooth (for the first time in his life).
We hope you enjoy this episode!
Best regards,
Vicki, Jennifer, Alan, and Bill
Hosts of the Garage Heroes In Training Podcast and Garage Heroes In Training racing team drivers
Highlights from this episode include:
1) The podcast starts with a reference that wonât make sense unless you listen to the post credits. Is it worth it to make it all that way? TBD, but we hope so.
2) What would a good starting point program look like to get into shape or back into shape.
3) Trey also offers many suggestions for activities that can be done with body weight only or minimal equipment that you may have at home already.
4) Leopard crawls: what Bill usually has to do to get a new race car.
5) RPPWFB. Familiar? Its an oldie, but a goodie around here.
6) How often to work out and how long can be very dependent on your starting condition, but something is always better than zero.
7) Remember, getting into better shape does not mean becoming a better circle or more round.
8) How has exercise and peopleâs dietary habits been affected by the COVID induced isolation? Trey also goes into several online options to look for guidance at home, many of which are available for free on YouTube etc.
9) Trey also goes into the additional intensity that tempo can offer if you have limited weight at home. Bill dates himself with a Billy Squire reference. Trey being much cooler (and much younger) makes Flower by Moby reference. Both are tremendously effective ways to raise your pulse and intensity, even with light or very light weights.
10) Basic, fundamental diet discussion that leads to portion size control as a great place to start and work from, as well as the benefits of establishing an eating schedule.
11) Trey expands upon the one key principle that everyone needs to keep in mind, you cannot out work a bad diet, but you can easily out eat any workout program.
12) Vicki finds that the Noom app is very helpful for her to help control her diet and food consumption.
13) If you are very interested in the aspects of nutrition and diet, please look to working with a nutritionist to determine your exact needs and perhaps any food allergies etc. Even Treyâs team works with a nutritionist with several of his clients.
14) Why does it always come back to Slurpeeâs with Bill? Trey tolerates it a bit and then they come up with a potential plan for controlling the craving for something while retaining control of your dietary inputs.
15) How to start with small steps and changes to begin a path towards huge results. Trey also goes into a planning approach to be ready for next season.
16) Slurpee substitute smoothie is included below.
17) Several gift tips for holiday gifts to help get in shape this year.
18) Vicki looks for tips from Trey on how to ease into a fitness and diet program, while secretly just trying to control Bill.
19) Hard Hog makes its first appearance in the fitness lexicon. We shall see if it catches on. Also, this proves that Vicki doesnât just make up terms in racing.
20) Approaches for working with and around any prior injuries, pain, or joint issues.
Some of the online or at home programs we discussed include: Tone It Up, several Beach Body programs, The Mirror, Peloton, among a near limitless number of potential alternatives.
Bill makes a commitment to Trey that the next time he is on there with be 25 pounds less of Bill. We really hope we see Trey again. Lol.
Anyone interested in joining Bill in the contest, please let us know. We all know he loves a competition and is more than willing to bet many stickers etc.
Treyâs smoothie recipe is as follows:Â you can put in pretty much whatever you want, but I usually make mine two at a time, and I include the below ingredients.
- 1 Banana
- 1 Cup Strawberries
- 1/2 Cup Blueberries
- 1/2 Avocado
- 1/2 Cup Spinach
- 1 Multivitamin
- Dash of Cinnamon
- Dash of Turmeric
- 1/2 Serving BCAA Powder (Amino Acids – this is where the Slurpee flavor comes from)
- 1/2 Serving Protein Powder – Vanilla
- Water (maybe a little bit of nut milk in there too)
For the strawberries and blueberries, I buy frozen bags. This makes things much easier, plus fruit that has been picked and almost immediately frozen tends to be slightly more nutrient rich than the “fresh” counterpart. I’ll freeze my own bananas, as I have yet to find pre-frozen bags of those.
GHIT 0155: Trey Shannon returns to discuss getting in shape during the off season